MONTREAL, Sept. 29 /CNW/ - An overwhelming majority of Canadians responding to a new Monster.ca online survey say they would go back to schooland hit the books this fall if they could.
The new online survey involving 1,144 Canadians asked visitors toMonster.ca the following question: "Do you wish you could go back to school toupgrade your skills this fall?" A remarkable 87% gave a thumbs up to the idea of returning to theclassroom this fall - if only they could. Among the positive responses, 58% said going back to school would "helpme achieve my career goals." Another 29% who said yes to school also admittedthat they were not learning anything in their current job. The remaining 12% of respondents - or about one in 10 - said no to areturn to school, saying they are satisfied with their life and work.
"Learning, improving skills and expanding your horizons should be alifelong calling and it is interesting to see just how clearly people come torealize and understand that once they are in the workforce, earning a livingand trying to get ahead today," said Monster Canada vice-president of salesand general manager Peter Gilfillan.
"We like to say at Monster that it is never too late to aim higher, reachfarther and dream bigger. Creating a more fulfilling life can involve goingback to school full-time or part-time, or taking evening courses. Fortunately,there are plenty of options today for people to consider if they are ambitiousenough to go for it."
Putting yourself on a more fulfilling path is not as hard as you mightthink, says Monster life coach Robin Sharma, who offers these helpful hints onhow to keep growing both in life and on the job in his Monster.ca article TooBusy Making A Living:
Make the Time to Think. In this hectic day and age, we seem to be toobusy to think. Can you recall the last time you thought deeply about themeaning of life and the legacy you hope to leave. Saying you are too busy tostop and think about the way you are living is like saying you are too busydriving to stop for gas - eventually it will catch up with you.
Be a Person of Action. People who have built richly rewarding lives arepeople of action. Contrary to popular opinion, knowledge is not power. It isonly potential power. Knowledge has value only when it is acted upon. Trulyfulfilled people act on what they know. They act on their goals, doingsomething small each and every day to advance them. And they act on theirdreams rather than spending their lives waiting for something great to happen.
Simplify Your Life. Management guru Peter Drucker once noted that "Thereis nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done atall." The wisest and most dynamic people of our world have cultivated thehabit of spending their time only on those activities that are important. Toall others, they say "no". Take an inventory of what you do in your days andget rid of all the time wasting, life draining pursuits.
Live in the Moment. Life is a gift. Yet too many of us spend our liveschasing that pot of gold on the horizon rather than enjoying the rose gardenthat lies in our backyards. To jump start your life, begin to savor life'ssimpler pleasures. Watch the sun rise. Read a great piece of literature orrelax to a great piece of music. Dance barefoot in the rain or study theintricacy of a spider's web after it has rained. Every day offers up gifts ofnature to those who have the wisdom to notice them.
Visit Monster.ca to read the complete article Too Busy Making A Living,as well as Reinvent Your Life, by Lisa Epstein, and others that offer insightsand advice on life and career management.
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